Suggested Topics for Beginner Track

If you are thinking about submitting a session for the "Welcome to the Drupalverse" track for beginners, here are some ideas for session topics that would be of particular interest to the program committee with examples of the questions that might be answered by such a session:

  • I think I found a bug - now what?
    • Is it really a bug?
    • How do I search to see if other people have found the same thing?
    • How do I make a bug report that will get the maintainer's attention?
  • Local Drupal install - a guided tour
    • Which files are which?
    • How do I upgrade?
    • What pieces do I need to move the site to a server?
  • How to pick a module on
    • Where do modules come from?
    • What does the project page tell me?
    • How do I get a feature or bug fix done sooner?

This is the level we think is appropriate for this track - basically aimed at people who have seen Drupal for the first time within the past few months.