Submit a Proposal

Submission of proposals is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted.

If your proposal is accepted you will still need to register and you to pay for your conference attendance, but we'll help defray the cost of your transportation and treat you to a meal or drinks at the end of the day. (Budget permitting.)

DrupalCamp NJ 2012 will be organized into four set of sessions, one just for beginners, and the other two with a mix of beginner, intermediate, and advanced sessions:

Welcome to the Drupalverse - an excellent adventure for anyone new or getting deeper into the world of Drupal. We want proposals that deal with topics like a high-level understanding of Drupal, initial set up of a local Drupal install, etc. We expect many of these sessions to be hands-on for the participants.

Mobile, Responsive design, and UX - Climb a mountain, surf the web with your favorite five-year old device, enjoy it and get things done. No seriously. Where is Drupal heading in these essential areas? Learn why these topics are the centerpiece of the next DrupalCon.

Anything Goes - don't hold back, it's all about strutting your stuff. We know there'll be something for everyone. 

Unleashing Drupal